When first considering selling your home, the thought of listing with a real estate agent is usually swiftly followed by the dread of paying commissions. Listing on your own saves money but can be a real headache. Auctioning your home may sound like a way to sell without the hassles, but before you jump into the nearest auction house, you might want to give some serious thought to the time and costs of this route. Read on as we explore what you should know about auctioning your house in St. Louis and why selling to Missouri House Buyers is a better choice.
Bargain Prices
One thing you should know about auctioning your house in St. Louis is that a majority of your buyer pool wants to pay rock bottom, and you can expect them to make insultingly low offers. Selling to Missouri House Buyers is a better choice because we live and work here in St. Louis, and we want you, our neighbor, to feel good about the deal long after closing. That is why you can count on Missouri House Buyers to make you a fair offer. We offer complete transparency on how we reach our offer, and we also detail how much you would earn if you sold your home on the current market, so you can decide what is best for your circumstances with all of the information in your hands.
When you speak with the auction house, you must inquire about the total costs upfront before auctioning your home in St. Louis. Included in your budget for the auction should be marketing expenses, typically higher than when listing, in addition to the auctioneer fee. Don’t forget to verify the “no sale” fee; if you set a reserve price and there is no sale, you’ll still owe the auction house a great deal of money. Selling to Missouri House Buyers is a better choice financially because we charge zero commissions, no closing costs, you won’t need to make any repairs, and we never have hidden fees in our simple and straightforward contracts. In addition, there’s no need to worry about marketing costs because when you sell directly to Missouri House Buyers, marketing costs get eliminated.
There are three options you should know about when you select the sale structure when auctioning your house in St. Louis. Your choices are to sell with a reserve, a minimum, or absolute. You should be aware that the type of sale at these auctions affects buyer turnout; for example, reserve auctions attract far fewer buyers than absolute auctions, where the home sells to the highest bidder, period. Even setting a minimum bid amount detracts from your buyer pool. Selling to Missouri House Buyers is a better choice because you won’t have to stress over which selling option you select to sell at auction, and your closing date is guaranteed, often in a matter of days. Now, if that time frame stresses you out, relax. At Missouri House Buyers, we’re happy to work with you to set a convenient closing date.
Are you ready to learn even more about what you should know about auctioning your house in St. Louis and why selling to Missouri House Buyers is a better choice financially and an easier process for you and your family? Talk to one of our professional investors at Missouri House Buyers today with no obligation and no pressure, and we can help you over any hurdles that you believe may be standing in the way of selling your house. We’ll buy your home as-is for cash, and the amount we offer is the amount you will have in your hand at closing. Why not let us help you now? Call Missouri House Buyers at 636-400-6060.